Getting Involved

There are many ways in which you can get involved in the OCA.

Coach a team, mentor a student in your field of expertise, enter a team at the BBC Golf Day, make a donation to the BBC Foundation and assist in the development of the College or simply come along to one of the many OCA events or  school functions throughout the year.

OCA Bursary

The OCA wants to send the strong message that it is vital that the traditions of the Green, White and Black remain strong, through generation to generation. It is important that BBC Old Collegians have the opportunity to continue a rich tradition in sending their sons to Brisbane Boys’ College.

Mentoring Program

The OCA Mentoring Program, an initiative by the Young Old Boys, is designed to support current students and Young Old Boys, preparing them for the next stages in their life.

The Fallen Book

This commemorative publication honours the 98 Old Collegians who served their country and lost their lives in The Great War, World War II and Afghanistan.

BBC Foundation

The BBC Foundation was established to generate funds to meet the needs of BBC over and above what is provided by school fees and government funding.